Revealing Paris Through Velib' Data

Posted: February 27th, 2008 | 1 Comment »

In parallel to my current senseable activities, I took some hours to build a follow-up to my work on Bicing and extend it to the Paris Velib’ system. For that purpose, Mathieu Arnold kindly granted me access to a large Velib’ dataset he has been accumulating over the past months. The potential of the archived and real-time data of the 900+ stations could actually lead to a nice little project on revealing the city through the citizen’s use of Velib’.

velib average nb bikes feb 10
First mapping of the Velib’ data. Average number of bikes available at each station on February 10.

The video is available in the Revealing Paris Through Vélib’ Data page.

One Comment on “Revealing Paris Through Velib' Data”

  1. 1 noel_ said at 12:37 pm on July 25th, 2008:

    What about downloading the animatated.kml ?