DC Paper for CHI 2007 Accepted

Posted: February 20th, 2007 | 1 Comment »

My paper for the CHI 2007 doctoral consortium has been accepted.

Bridging the social-technical gap in location-aware computing

Abstract. Building ubiquitous applications that exploit location requires integrating underlying infrastructure for linking sensors with high-level representation of the measure space to support human activities. However, the real-world constraints limit the efficiency of location technologies. The inherent spatial uncertainty embedded in mobile and location systems constantly challenges the coexistence of digital and physical spaces. Consequently, the technical mechanisms fail to match the highly flexible, nuanced, and contextual human spatial activities. These discrepancies generate a social-technical gap between what should be socially supported and what can be technically achieved. My research aims at exploring, and hopefully reducing this gap in the context of location-aware computing.

Relation to my thesis: “In total, we received 96 submissions and 15 were accepted to participate at the conference”. This is a clear sign that the definition and expression of my ideas have matured. CHI 2007 will take place in San Jose, CA between April 28 and May 3.

One Comment on “DC Paper for CHI 2007 Accepted”

  1. 1 BlogSchmog | Blog Archive » What’s Up, Doc(toral consortium)? said at 11:32 pm on February 21st, 2007:

    [...] Nope, I didn’t get into the CHI doctoral consortium (“Deadlines are for wimps”). Got that expected unhappy news Tuesday afternoon. I’m still going—after all, IU has five student teams participating in the student competition—and have some small hope for moving up the food chain to land a student volunteering gig (and the comp-ed conference fees). However, here is a peer who was accepted. [...]