Google Dance and Lost Shoes

Posted: April 10th, 2006 | 2 Comments »

Google sends out spiders to crawl the web and archive every website it finds. These archived websites will be presented in the next update of the Google database. The update process is initiated every month or so. During the update, which takes several days, Google servers (www, www2, and www3) display different results. Whilst the results vary from server to server, they are said to be “dancing”, hence the name “Google Dance“.

In an Internet of Things futuristic scenario, we must consider that 2-3 days a months Google might not be able to find our shoes.

2 Comments on “Google Dance and Lost Shoes”

  1. 1 Klaus Holzapfel said at 10:43 pm on April 10th, 2006:

    I made an humble attempt to explain and demystify the google dance at .

    Obviously Google is always changing their game and my information might become obsolete.

    On a sidenote: I love your banner. “Being John Malkovitch” is a favorite of mine.

  2. 2 Riad said at 12:05 am on April 11th, 2006:

    And they have names too. The last one was “Big Daddy”.
    With each changes comes passionate debates and desperate calls from webmasters whose websites disappear from a proeminent position.
    You can see for yourself on the blog of Matt Cutts, one of the Googlers in charge of this process.
    Matt Cutts – Google