Report from the Blogject Workshop at LIFT06

Posted: March 16th, 2006 | 1 Comment »

Report of the Blogject Workshop is out. Once again, terrific work done by Nicolas and Julian. This report is an extension to the Manifesto for Networked Objects. It features the four blogject scenarios brainstormed during the workshop. I already put a few thoughts in The Internet of Things, Moving Beyond the Refrigerator.


Two major topics emerge towards my interests:

  • The scale-up of a messy pervasive world as opposed to a smoothly uniform and standards adhering one.
  • The trade-off between simple Blogjects and complex artifacts with Blogjects functionalities (individuals vs. flocks). Relevant self-organising phenomenons can emerge from the interaction among interconnected flocks (swarm intelligence, Agent-Based modelling, …).

Relation to my thesis: In a pervasive world, objects interconnect and our perceptions and relations with them will change. I am interested in how this chaos can be managed and self-organize. Features and scenarios around blogjects bring relevant clues to enter the post-refrigirator era of the Internet of Things.

One Comment on “Report from the Blogject Workshop at LIFT06”

  1. 1 7.5th Floor » Blog Archive » In My Lift09 Doggie Bag said at 7:58 pm on March 2nd, 2009:

    [...] Once again, the Lift Conference outdid itself, a conference that has the self-confidence to take chances in inviting unlikely but refreshing speakers (Baba Wamé, Frank Beau) mixed with safe bets that always deliver beyond expectation (Matt Webb, Fabio Sergio, Dan Hill, Anne Galloway…) and open stages with a smart sense of provocation like Bill Thompson’s the death of privacy or inspiration with Felix Koch and Fabian Keller on the literacy of cutting. Lift is THE conference of the World-Wide Lab, the best hybrid forum out there. There is still a need to work on the workshops formats to get back to lifto6’s level. [...]