LIFT06. Day 2

Posted: February 4th, 2006 | No Comments »

Transparency is LIFT second day’s word with Thomas Sevcik‘s Innovation Lab (the spontaneous, very focused, networked based, Al-qaedaesc version of a Think Tank, and deliverable oriented, long-lasting, expensive version of a workshop), Euan Semple experience in knowledge management at the BBC, Robert Scoble‘s new PR, Marc Laperrouza on the control of the Internet in China (what will happen with the majority of the web’s content will be in chinese?) and Jeffrey Huang‘s open design (Alec Issigonis: A camel is a horse designed by committee).

 Updates Nevada Camel
A horse designed by committee. Some much for the wisdom of the crowd and web 2.0.

Unique quote:
“I am totally not agree” Xavier Comtesse