Wireless Campus LBS

Posted: August 11th, 2005 | No Comments »

Wireless Campus LBS, Building campus-wide Location Based Services based on WiFi technology describes a project that mixes wireless LAN positioning techniques, context awarness of ubiquitous data management systems, and data dissemination for LBS and mobile applications. It has some similarities to my Building a mobile, locative, and collaborative application in presenting the WiFi positioning techniques and the AP mapping. There was an interesting figure (from Satyanarayanan, M (2001) Pervasive computing: Visions and challenges. IEEE Personal Communications, 8:10-7,2001) on the evolution from distributed to ubiquitous computing. I never thought about making a path from distributed systems to ubicom.

Picture 3-2

There was also a mention to (un)certainty management:

Another factor of context for any system is the (un)certainty of the information it provides, and providing the user with relevant information about that uncertainty will also be part of the CaompusLBS services.