MOSIL Mini Camp in Lille

Posted: June 27th, 2004 | Comments Off

My notepad notes during the MObile Support for Integrated Learning (MOSIL) mini camp in Lille, France. Official outputs are available on the MOSIL BSCW repository.


Presentation of each participant’s current state of the work

Thomas Vantroys
- Workflow engine
- Common description of roles
- Alternatives of workflow models
- IMS-LD the workflow model is missing
- A few slides on COW: Cooperation Open Workflow
- Role in workflow is based on activity and position (hierarchy)
- There are two flows: control flow and data flow

Kay Hoeksema
- Experience with IMS-LD, knows the limitations
- Shows his “visual language” using Cool Modes
- Similar to CRAFT’s approach but no roles, no interactions
- IMS-LD generator
- Early version of a Syntactical learn flow model (good approach to build a language -> base for an XML Schema?)

George Fessakis
- Approach with UML activity diagram

Javier Velez
- Active Document: a workflow definition for distance learning
- virtual environment manages activities and tasks
- social concepts: community (collection of actors); actor (real user); role: collection of responsibilities
- experiment-activity-task (atom)

Raija Hämäläinen
- pedagogical development – technical implementation -> users
- what kind of actions improve learning, – how learning can be enhanced
- eScpae – visual representation of interaction/roles (learning outcomes)
- ways to influence the actions of students
- incorporate reflective activities into the synchronous environment itself
- identify the type of collaboration that can be serve as a successful learning mechanism
- find out whether there are new form of collaborative learning

Fabien Girardin
- Phase diagram [page 1]
- Arguegraph modelling [page 1] [page 2]
- Maze modelling [page 1] [page 2]

- phases
- interaction patterns
- player’s role
- environmental element

Pair work to merge similar approaches, based on a common script (Maze)
- Output available on the BSCW repository
- Kay and I merged our visualization. Output available on the BSCW repository

Missing elements on our visualization:
-why do they collaborate?
-the type of presentation (formal vs. informal)
-how do we facilitate the engagement? (augment the visualization – kind of collaboration interaction, negotiation sharing knowledge, goal setting)
-How can we represent the “idea of informal role” (or role creation on the fly)
- hierarchicaly visualization -> how do we synchronize the workflow
- How can over-scripting be prevented?

- Discussion on the definition of “role” for each world:
workflow-> ensemble of constraints
modelling -> ensemble of actions
pedagogy ->abstract behavior

- Discussion on the different between a workflow and a script

Concept map and definition for elements of educational workflow
Common grounding for the terms: script, role, activity (action, task, operation), resources, learning object, phase, environments, actors, goals, workflow state, … Output available on the BSCW repository


Demo of COW
- Constraints for finished process or not. Some processes do not need to be finished in order to go on
- activity (end – start) -> transition (transition validation) – Data link – Limit (to determine of correct or not)
- time: min-mean-max
- startmode: manual/automatic
- finishmode: manual/automatic
- activity input/output (like in corba)
- storing objects for the workflow (or as learning object)
- discussion on What is a learning object (workflow-wise or pedagogicaly-wise)?

System/model template
Based on the concept map and the terms defined yesterday, we created a template to describe our models and systems (what out what are the pros/cons, what is missing). Output available

Active document approach
- experiments is a sequence of phases
- 2 types of learning objects: Results and tools
- task is an atomic activity
- phase is an aggregation of activities
- social dimension is only represented by the actor and what there tasks are

Kay and Fabien approach
- no constraints management: should be constraint on the transition (sequence) (eg time); on the role (eg access rights)
- social dimension: people, the knowledge, skills

- a phase is an activity
- sequence are transitions
- learning objects have goals
- an activity is a set of tasks

Informal activity diagram hierarchies
- phases are first level activities
- very based on informality
- activities are on the swimlane for collaboration (interaction)

Splitting the deliverables
- The chaptered list of the deliverables is available on the BSCW repository. I will write the last chapter “Discussion on visualization”.

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