Outdoor Distributed Computing

Posted: July 18th, 2003 | No Comments »

By reading a post by icon on seminare on Outdoor distributed computing, a few questions came to my mind:
Isn’t the term “outdoor” abusly used to mean “mobile”? (outdoor is a sub-caterogy of mobile?) If no, what is the difference between outdoor and mobile?

What is meant by “conventional distributed computing does not work”? What drawbacks of conventional distributed computing have been mentionned? What are the potential solutions?

For all the points mentionned, decentralized(peer-to-peer) distributed computing immadiatly poped to my mind. (p2p=dynamic configuation, tolerates unpredictable delays, configuration changes during execution (example of decentralized mobile agents framework “Negotiator” where state of the nodes changes :-) ) Did the seminar went that direction too (or was it non-technical and more abstract)?