
Posted: June 6th, 2003 | No Comments »

Some people relativly new to the Internet are not aware of the Netiquette, but naturally seem to create their own. I was explained for example that a question ending with “?” means no answer is needed (“how are you?”), with “??” means an answer is required if not agreeing (“we meet at 5pm??”) and “???” (“how many people are coming???”) means an answer is required. The same goes with the use of “!” and the use of capital letters (yelling using capital letters is not always interpreted as so). Moreover these people are often very SMS and Chat system literate which tends to affect the way they write emails or online comments. Shortened or phoneticaly spelled words as well as a tendency to emphasise sentences with emotions (increasing use of smileys) are now common. I should start a study the evolution of the Netiquette or what I call the neo-netiquetism :-)